World Childless Week

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A Loss Unseen

A heavy heart behind the smile

Knowing what will never be

Those tiny fingers clasping mine

Those blue eyes finding mine

A empty grief engulfs me

The sense of what could have been

No one asks or stops to wonder

The pain that comes from hidden grief

Left outside the norms of society

Without the access card of childbirth

Daily reminders in every activity

Of the missing pieces of my puzzle

Finding joy in others babies

Such gratitude to those who share

Laughter and cuddles numb the pain

Connection and love in a different way

Seeking strength to shine a light

To the corners of my heart I hide

Not for pity or for judgement

But rather for myself to heal

Loss never leaves your heart

Grief always sits just beneath the surface

But healing comes from acceptance

Enabling joy in a path less trodden
