World Childless Week

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An Appreciation of Boris

Jemma B

I love you Boris

I love how soft and velvety your ears are

I love how you are short-but-long

I love it when you ask for tummy rubs and we goon about on the floor

I love it when you have a Big Boris Drinkies

I love it when you sit outside in the sunshine and say hello to all the passers-by and cook yourself senseless

I love it when you engage your sniffing superpower mode

I love that you leave your fairy dust everywhere, and that a meal is not complete without some of your hair in it

I love how you can be such a vagabond but no-one believes me because you have such good PR

I love how you sleep next to me and snore

I love how much you enjoy it when we sing you silly songs

I love your Wiggly Welcomes

I love how you make me laugh every single day

I love how much other people, dogs and cats love you, including the postmen and the recycling people who always stop and say hello

I love how intelligent you are

I love it that you mooch, amble, potter, pootle, meander and rarely go above 0.02 miles per hour, unless you smell an abandoned kebab half a mile away – when you run so fast that you have to see it to believe it

I love it when you fall asleep with your head in my lap

I love how much you love my partner, and I know you only prefer him over me because he gives you more treats and lets you lick the plates clean

It pains me that you are 10 and starting to show your age, but it makes me love you more and more

You bring me so much joy Boris, you mean the world to me, I am so grateful to have you in my life


I love you Boris