World Childless Week

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The Life of a Fur Parent


The term “fur parent” is a fairly recent term. It’s a term that to some fills them with a love and warmth.

I completely accept that being a fur parent is not the same as being a parent however there are many similarities and on a whole it has definitely helped me on my own CNBC journey. I feel it’s important to note I say fur parent and fur babies not just parent or babies as I understand there is a difference however I feel it’s unfair to say we are not parents at all when we have fur babies.

Being a parent is not only about giving birth to a baby you conceived after all we have grandparents and godparents also. Being a parent is about loving something and taking care of it, putting its needs before your own, doing what you can to help it have the best life possible which is exactly what us fur parents do.

I have a lot of love to give as a person, to my family, friends and I hoped to my own child one day. As I found myself CNBC having my fur babies has allowed me to pour that love into caring for them. We throw Birthday parties, we buy Christmas presents and even have family movie nights! We go on Holidays together and adventures. I know they are not human children so they are still treated as dogs but they are my fur babies.

Both my fur babies are also rescues and both have had issues due to treatment with their past “families”. Adopting them both has helped me grow as a person, I’ve become more patient and understanding of the world and dog behaviour, I have become more mindful of my surroundings and walking them I give them my full attention which helps me switch off from the world. I feel both would have bounced around between houses and one potentially would have never found a loving home due to his extreme nervous nature had he not become part of our family. Adopting them both has made me wonder maybe this is my calling to care for fur babies that wouldn’t have a chance with other families. I have made their lives better and helped them be happy but I feel that they have saved me.