World Childless Week

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Lola: The Little Queen with a Big Heart

Sandra McNicol

Lola, you came into our lives at just the right time, bringing with you a whirlwind of personality and a heart full of love. As our second dog, you were initially meant to be a companion for Lanta, but you quickly established yourself as the boss of the house, even though you’re the smallest of the pack. Your stubbornness is classic Bulldog, and your unique quirks have endeared you to us in ways we never expected. You and your siblings have filled a part of my life with a joy that I once hoped to share with both you and a child. Our family was always planned to be a hybrid of pets and humans, yet the humans never came.

We brought you home when Lanta was just 18 months old, right as we moved into our family home. You were meant to keep her company, to make sure she wasn’t lonely, but you did so much more than that. You became her little sister, the family nurse, and eventually, the queen of the household. Your arrival marked the beginning of a new chapter in our lives—a new home, and six months later, my first pregnancy.

You were with me through it all—my pregnancies, the heartbreak of miscarriages, the hopeful yet challenging journey of IVF treatment, and finally, when I became childless not by choice. You were small enough to snuggle in a way that’s not possible with your brother and sister, and those snuggles perhaps saved my life. Thank you, darling.

Lola, your personality is as big as your heart. Despite being the smallest, you’re the one in charge, and the other dogs know it. No one is allowed on the sofa without your permission, and your favorite position is snuggling with your papi.

You’ve got a bit of a crazy streak, too. It’s always amusing to see you get scared of your own shadow, a tiny stepping ladder, your food bowl, or when I open a certain cupboard. But a horse? A horse is no problem—you want to befriend a horse. Your fearlessness in certain situations, paired with your cautious nature in others, adds to your complex and lovable character.

One of your favorite things to do is run around the mountain or beach—you are the Bulldog anti-Bulldog—and seeing you in your element is pure joy. However, for all your energy, you’re also known for your snores that fill the room, a sound so big coming from someone so small. And those farts! Who knew such a little body could produce such huge, smelly bombs? We never know whether to laugh or cry, but those farts are just part of what makes you, you.

Your love for dressing up, be it Halloween, Christmas, or your birthday, is one of the most delightful things about you. Whether you’re a tiny superhero or a little pumpkin, you embrace each costume with such joy, making every holiday a special event in our home. For many who are childless not by choice, the holidays can be really tough. Thank you, darling, for making them easier for us.

But your nurturing side is perhaps one of the most endearing things about you. We call you the "nurse" because you’re always cleaning Lanta’s and Rocco’s ears, a task they both adore. Yet it's me who gives you your spa treatment, and it’s adorable how you roll onto your tummy and love getting baby lotion on. It’s a special ritual between us that I know you cherish as much as I do. Thank you for letting me mother you.  I love you lots my Loli Lu Lu.

As we continue on this journey together, I look forward to many more years of your playful antics, your mountain adventures, and your loving care. I promise to continue loving and caring for you, just as you do for your siblings. Your place in our family is irreplaceable, and I cherish every moment we have with you.