World Childless Week

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The Childless Circle

World Childless Week Champions Yvonne John (Dreaming Of A Life Unlived) and Meriel Whale (Meriel Whale Counselling) decided that is was important to highlight and incorporate Women of Colour and the LGBTQ+ community into the childless conversation.

To do this they came up with the idea to do a series of recorded interviews which resulted in the following three videos.

The suggestion is you watch Video 1 first, where Yvonne and Meriel explain their project and then watch Yvonnes and Meriels seperate recordings at your leisure.

Video 1: In this video you can watch Yvonne John and Meriel Whale interview each other both before and after they went to on to do their individual interviews within the framework of The Childless Circle project.

In the following video Yvonne John is in conversation with Women Of Colour

In the following video Meriel Whale is in conversation with people from the LGBTQ+ community