Choosing the right friendships and letting go of the unfulfilling
Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle and Katie Maynard
Katie and Catherine-Emmanuelle get curious about the composition of their own social circles. Are they made of parents, childless or childfree friends?
What qualities should we look for as childless women in friendship. Do your friendships look like a quilt made of good intentioned people of not?
How can we find balance and common grounds with parent friends
How do we identify triggers in friendship: It's all in our bodies
The importance of welcoming shame and guilt as part of the reality in friendships
You can watch their discussion HERE
Femme Sans Enfant
Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle is a TRA, Therapist For Relationship Assistance TM based in Montréal, Canada. She offers counselling online to childless and childfree woman in French and English. She is also the author the blog Femme Sans Enfant and is a proud ambassador of the WCW.
Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle est une TRA, Thérapeute en Relation d'Aide TM basée à Montréal, Canada. Elle propose un accompagnement thérapeutique en ligne aux femmes sans enfant par circonstances et par choix ,en français et en anglais. Elle est également l'auteure du blogue Femme Sans Enfant et est une fière ambassadrice de la WCW.