World Childless Week

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Choose Choice Consequence

Tavinder Kaur New

You didn't choose to be here; it wasn't your choice. You were brought to this place by circumstance.

Circumstances that took control of your life, imprisoned you by fate and pushed you towards this place.

This place isn't where you want to be or makes you feel glee. You are stuck, wondering what to do next.

The next phase of life, the next phase of your grief, and the next phase of being childless are in this consequence.

The consequence that you didn't choose wasn't your choice. You were brought to this place by circumstances.

Circumstances are about reevaluating life, how to fill your life, and what the best path is to go forward.

Go forward; that is all you can do. Looking back isn't what you want to choose or a choice; it is a circumstance to live in the reality of being childless from now onwards.