World Childless Week

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Solo by the Seashore

Stacy N

Sitting on a porch with my book and an ocean view.

I find myself in my sweet spot.

Where some people, with its quietness and no loud bars, may not think it’s a lot.

But I come here to rest, allow myself to be bored, and get away from it all.

However, did I really get away, or right into the heart of what I ached for most after all.

Where parents, children, and older couples, who are tired from raising their families, come to get away.

Where the ocean breeze keeps the mosquitos at bay.

Where it is safe for a woman, on her own, to wonder around as the sun goes down.

Where the nightly event is getting ice cream in the center of town.

Where the music blaring is a symphony on the boardwalk playing Christmas music, no longer just in July,

And a far car from the legendary Stone Pony music venue nearby.

Where I hear babies crying, as well as the laughter of families and friends telling stories filling the air.

And all I can do is wear headphones to drown out the heartache and try not to compare.

It feels like lost years have gone by.

Then I stop and appreciate the people who are friendlier here as they walk on by and say Hi.

I came to get away from work, chores, and my never ending to do lists that doesn’t seem to hide.

To rest my mind and breathe a little, even if I find myself off to the side a little.

With no longer fitting into my youth, and having never been invited to the mom group.

The middle of two worlds, no longer fitting into one, and never having been invited to the other one.

This place with its colorful Victorian houses and it’s quirkiness.

It’s like Stars Hallow with their bells ringing and I smile and laugh at the ridiculousness in it.

So, it’s time to say goodbye, back to the grind.

Until next time, when I find myself off on another solo adventure, I’m sure in due time.