World Childless Week

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Becoming Childless in Twenty Words

Sarah Bradley

I’ve realised that the story of my childlessness began way before I was aware of what had happened.

Becoming Childless in 20 Words simplifies my journey from the assumption that I would have children, to advocating for the childless community and all the ups and downs in between.

Apricot Lane Coaching

I am Sarah Bradley. My personal journey through childlessness is the toughest challenge I’ve faced. Coming to terms with it has been life changing. Now, as a qualified coach, I support others who are childless-not-by-choice to find new ways through the loneliness and isolation of childlessness. I can be the person who validates your feelings, giving you time and space to recognise and process your emotions. I will support you to grieve for your unborn children, find ways to move on and create a happy life without children.