World Childless Week

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The Joke that Stings


I've stopped counting the number of times it has happened. Visiting a friend who has kids & they'll be sharing about how exhausted or annoyed they are with them, or even worse, right after I've been vulnerable and shared how painful not being able to have a child is for me. Then it comes.

Take mine.

Those words that sting & cut me to the core. The one thing I have wanted, yearned, cried & fought for the most in this world but yet could never have, they just flippantly quip about giving up & tauntingly wave in my face.

The stinging realisation that I was heard but that my suffering doesn't really matter. I stare sternly back & reply

Okay, pack their bags, I'll take them now, for real, for keeps".

Their mouths drop open as their faces turn white.

Oh no, I could never give them away, I was only joking...