World Childless Week

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Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos - USA

Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos is a freelance writer and researcher best known for her work as a truth-teller about the emotional realities of involuntary childlessness. She is also the award-winning author of Silent Sorority: A Barren Women Gets Busy, Angry Lost and Found, the first infertility memoir not authored by a mother, and Finally Heard, which examines the psychological, social, and cultural consequences faced by childless in a pro-natal society.

In 2018 she led a grassroots initiative to counter the pro-IVF narrative orchestrated by the for-profit ‘fertility’ industry on IVF’s 40th anniversary. She worked with an international team of researchers and academics who published the journal article Do à la carte menus serve infertility patients? It became the basis for her op-ed, which ran December 2019 The New York Times titled: The Big IVF Add-on Racket. The Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology and Bioethics at Harvard Law School later featured it.

She collaborated in 2020 with a British team to write Bait, Switch and Ditch, which explored definitions of abuse in assisted reproductive technology, published in the Journal of Fertility Counselling.

Pamela is passionate about her work on behalf of women and men without children and raising awareness about the trauma IVF patients experience. Her 2021 paper, An IVF Survivor unravels ‘fertility’ industry narratives, is featured in a 2023 book, Transhumanisms and Biotechnologies in Consumer Society. Her work has led to multiple podcasts, speaking opportunities and feature stories.