World Childless Week

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Benjamin Zephaniah - UK

Benjamin Obadiah Iqbal Zephaniah: 15 April 1958 – 7 December 2023

Benjamin was known for speaking, singing and rhyming all of his life; he wasn’t someone who stayed quiet. He lived a full life supporting multiple causes, but for me personally, I am grateful for his courage to talk openly out about being childless.

Hearing of his sudden death last year broght a sadness at knowing his vivality for life had come to an end. However he will live on through his words and music and be remembered for his wit, charm and determination to change things for the better.

I had the pleasure of seeing Benjamin at Fertility Fest in 2019 in conversation with Jessica Hepburn.

After the interview I joined the queue to purchase his autobiography and when I asked to have my photo with him, he gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek! Benjamin was mesmerising and addictively enchanting, both on and off the stage. The photo maybe be blurry, but the memory is clear.

Upon hearing of Benjamin’s death Jessica Hepburn shared her thoughts on social media, and she has kindly allowed me to share her words here with you:

Oh my goodness. I’ve just read that one of my favourite people in the world has died – Benjamin Zephaniah. This picture is of me interviewing him at my festival @fertilityfest in 2019 at the Barbican. Laughing and (shamelessly) flirting with him.

He was the very first person I confided in that I was listening to and writing a book about Desert Island Discs – and that I loved his episode. I’ll never forget that his luxury item was the law of the land (so he could break it!). Do listen to it over the coming days. In it he also recites his extraordinary poem called ‘Childless’ (23.00 minutes in), which he agreed to recite for me when I interviewed him although he said he never included it in his set lists. It was the most incredibly moving moment for everyone there.

Benjamin was a titan when it came to challenging the world’s opinions – and never more so than when he spoke about his infertility – long ago, long before me.

I told him that I loved him, and when he signed his autobiography for me, he kindly wrote ‘I love you too’. I was devastated when soon after that I left it on a plane. I spent days trying to get it back but never did. I was hoping that one day – maybe when my new book came out – I would send it to him and he would sign his for me again. Now that will never happen.

I’m stunned and so sad. But death takes us all whenever she’s ready, and I feel blessed to have met him, to have these memories, and his wonderful work to read. Dearest Benjamin – go gently.

Jessica Hepburn @jessica_hepburn_  

I can say hand on heart that the childless community felt a great loss last year and as such I want to honour him in my small way by recognising him posthumously as a World Childless Week Champion for 2024-2025. Knowing his feisty spirit and rebellious nature he may have declined the title, but, we know he deserves both the title and the recognition.

Stephanie Joy Phillips

Founder, World Childless Week