World Childless Week

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Maria Hill, USA

I am childless, not by choice. I married a man with children whose messy relationship with his ex resulted in many complications. Once resolved, we agreed to have a child, but when it actually became possible, he decided he did not want one. I stayed in the marriage for a long time because a real partnership mattered to me, but unfortunately, it turned out not to be that real. He is now my ex. 

I have worked in health care and the computer industry, and have an MBA. But when my life started falling apart, I took an opportunity to go to art school and then started Sensitive Evolution, an online platform for sensitive people, most of whom are childless, just like me. I came to Gateway Women, now Lighthouse Women, about ten years ago, and enjoy supporting other childless women including our group for sensitive childless women. I have additionally trained in coaching, cultural and other frameworks, Reiki, and Theta healing.

My online work has become a transformative coaching practice teaching energy and cultural discernment skills to sensitive and/or childless women through Magic Of Joy. I also participate in Jody Day’s Fireside chats as part of her Gateway Elderhood Project.

I believe women are being freed to come into their power in a way impossible in the past. I think childless women have much to give to a changing world, and it is my pleasure to help make that happen by supporting World Childless Week as an ambassador.